Help for Heroes Journals

Horizon Publications have a proud past association with the charity Help For Heroes. The following Journals were produced in association with Help For Heroes and primarily supported those servicemen wounded in Afghanistan.

2010 Help for Heroes Journal

The official 2010 ‘In Support of Help For Heroes’ Journal. Articles feature actions of British forces serving in Afghanistan and
information about the charity.

2011 Help For Heroes Journal

The Official 2011 Help for Heroes Journal featuring the charities work with returning wounded Afghanistan veterans, specifically their Personnel Recovery Centres (PRC).

2012 Help For Heroes Journal

The 2012 Help for Heroes continues with articles from British Forces serving in Afghanistan and also commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War with a special message from the Late Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

2013 Help For Heroes Journal

The 2013 Help For Heroes Journal concentrates on the brave work performed by British Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan with special focus on combat medical teams and aftercare of those injured. Featured articles include Cpl Andy Reid, serving with the 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, who was badly wounded by an IED in Afghanistan.

2014 Help For Heroes Journal &
Centenary Great War

The 2014 Help For Heroes ‘A Hundred Years of Heroes’ features articles concentrating on the withdrawal of British Soldiers from Afghanistan. It also commemorates the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. The Journal is introduced by General Sir Nicholas Houghton, Chief of the Defence Staff (2013-2016).

For more information about the charity Help for Heroes or to support the valuable work they do please click here.