falkland islands

Falklands 40th Anniversary Journal

The Falklands Conflict 40th Anniversary Commemorative Journal, Headed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and commissioned by the Falkland Islands Association www.fiassociation.com, the Journal pays tribute to the British Task Force and the Falkland Islanders with articles contributed from those who were there in 1982.

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Alternatively Journal is available to view online below in PDF format.

The 40th anniversary of the Falklands war is an important milestone for our community, our veterans and the families of those who lost their lives in the heroic campaign to restore freedom to our Islands following the illegal and unjustifiable invasion by Argentine forces on April 2nd.

This will be a year filled with reflection, when we give heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices made for us – through a series of events both in the Falklands and internationally, we will pay our respects to the fallen, their families and share our love with our veterans and those who still bear the scars of war.

The debt we as Falkland Islanders feel that we owe can never truly be repaid, but we have sought to give tribute in the only way possible – by building a country that is strong and prosperous, committed to democracy, progress and inclusivity.

Whilst we “Look Forward at 40” with hope for a bright and prosperous future and will celebrate our victories and the progress made to date, so too will Falkland Islanders always remember that we stand on the shoulders of those giants who so bravely risked all for us and, in doing so, gave us the greatest gifts of all – peace, freedom and the right to determine our own future.

From the Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands

Featured messages in the Journal include:

The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

Prime Minister, Minister for the Civil Service and First Lord of the Treasury

The Rt Hon Boris Johnson

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin KCB ADC

Chief of the Defence Staff

Mrs Phyl Rendell MBE

Chair, 40th Anniversary Committee

Major General Julian HA Thompson CB OBE

Commander, 3 Commando Brigade 1982

Commodore Michael Clapp CB

Commander Falklands Amphibious Task Group

The Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle

Speaker of the UK House of Commons

Andrew Rosindell MP

Secretary, Falkland Islands All Party Parliamentary Group
and Member of Parliament for Romford

Air Chief Marshal 
Sir Andrew Pulford GCB CBE DL

RAF exchange helicopter pilot with the Royal Navy’s 
Commando Helicopter Force in 1982

The Journal also includes messages from:

His Excellency Mr Nigel J Phillips CBE RAF (Retd). Governor, Falkland Islands
Her Majesty’s Commissioner South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands

Commodore Jonathan Lett
Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands

Lieutenant General Andrew Harrison DSO MBE
Colonel Commandant The Parachute Regiment

Lieutenant General Sir Hew Pike KCB DSO MBE
CO 3rd Bn the Parachute Regiment (3 PARA) 1980-83

Lieutenant Colonel Philip Neame MBE
OC D Company, 2 PARA 1981-83

General Sir Michael Rose KCB CBE DSO QGM
CO 22nd Special Air Service, Falklands Campaign, 1982

Major General Michael Scott CB CBE DSO
CO 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, Battle of Tumbledown 1982

Admiral the Rt Hon Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC PC
CO HMS Ardent in 1982

Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC

Lieutenant Commander David HS Morgan DSC
Sea Harrier pilot during the falklands conflict

The Reverend David Cooper
Padre, 2nd Bn the Parachute Regiment (2 PARA) 1982

Featured articles by:

Major Mike Norman RM
CO Naval Party 8901

Captain Keith Mills RM

Sara Jones CBE

Peter Holdgate, Royal Navy

Major Mark Coreth, Blues and Royals

Captain Chris Elliott, Blues and Royals

Brigadier David Chaundler OBE, The Parachute Regiment

Brigadier Johnny Rickett CBE, The Welsh Guards

Brigadier David Morgan MBE, The Gurkhas

Colonel RDK Thompson OBE, Royal Corps of Signals

Brigadier JE Thomas ADC, Royal Corps of Signals

Brigadier AD Ball CBE, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Linda Kitson, official war artist during the conflict

Lieutenant Colonel David Ian Patterson AFC, Army Air Corps

Lieutenant Colonel John Aitken, Royal Army Dental Corps

Commander Sue Eagles, Naval Aviation Heritage

Captain David Parsons, Merchant Navy

Wing Commander Martin Hooker MBE, RAF Regiment

Wing Commander Andy Lawless, RAF